Find Utility Providers in Plano, Texas

Top 40 Electric Providers in Plano, TX

3801 W Spring Creek Pkwy APT 1018, Plano, TX 75023, United States
CoServ Electric
7701 S Stemmons Fwy, Corinth, TX 76210
Oncor Electric
Reliant Energy
2745 Dallas Pkwy #200, Plano, TX 75093

Solar in Plano, TX

EnergySage Solar
Get custom solar quotes online, no phone calls required!

Top 2 Natural Gas Providers in Plano, TX

Atmos Energy Corporation
3697 Mapleshade Ln, Plano, TX 75075, United States
Atmos Energy

Water & Sewage Providers in Plano, TX

1520 K AVE PLANO, TX 75074-6232

Internet Providers in Plano, TX

Verizon 5G Home Internet
Get 5G Home Internet, starting at $35/month.

Top 4 Trash, Recycling and Sanitation Providers Providers in Plano, TX

City of Plano Environmental Waste Services
4110 W Plano Pkwy, Plano, TX 75093, United States
Dump & Run
3000 Custer Rd, Plano, TX 75075, United States
5000 Legacy Dr, Plano, TX 75024, United States
Republic Services - Plano Recycling Facility
4200 E 14th St, Plano, TX 75074, United States

Utilities Summary for Plano, TX

Electric Companies: 40
Natural Gas Companies: 2
Water & Sewage Providers: 1
Garbage, Trash & Recycling Providers: 4
Municipal Electricity: No

Utility Service Providers in Plano, Texas

Texas is a deregulated electric state. This allows people living in Plano, TX to choose between at least 40 electric utility providers for their home. Deregulation gives citizens an option to choose a plan or provider that best fits their needs and encourages competition. Providers such as Ambit Energy, CoServ Electric, Atmos Energy Corporation and CITY OF PLANO offer electric, natural gas and water services in Plano. The list above will help you choose the utility provider that's right for you, whether you're moving to a new home or looking to switch providers.

Zip Codes Covered by Utility Companies in Plano

75023, 75024, 75025, 75026, 75074, 75075, 75086, 75093, 75094

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I choose my electric utility provider in Plano?

Yes, the state of Texas has deregulated electric utilities. Deregulation allows for multiple electric providers within each city and lets customers choose or switch to a provider or plan best fits their needs. Assuming your area has started allowing retail electric competition, you can choose between Ambit Energy, CoServ Electric or any of the 40 electric providers available in Plano.

Can I choose my natural gas utility provider in Plano, TX?

No, Texas has not deregulated its natural gas utilities. The primary gas company in Plano is Atmos Energy Corporation.

What is the average utility bill in Plano?

On average, the residents of Plano, TX pay around $242.58 total per month on utility bills including electric, gas, water and trash. That means people in Plano on average pay 22.1% more than the national average of $198.64 on utilities each month.

Does Plano offer municipal electricity services?

No, Plano does not provide municipal electric service to it's residents. However, it is likely that there are essential municipal services offered to the Plano area, like providing safe and clean water, handling sewage treatment and wastewater disposal by City Of Plano.