Find Utility Providers in Rochester, Wisconsin

Electric Providers in Rochester, WI

Wisconsin Electric Power Co

Solar in Rochester, WI

EnergySage Solar
Save up to 20%! Get custom solar quotes online, no phone calls required!

Home Warranty in Rochester, WI

Choice Home Warranty
Never pay for covered home repairs again! Extend the Life of Your Major Home Systems. AC, Heating, Water Heater, Kitchen & Laundry Appliance and More!

Water & Sewage Providers in Rochester, WI


Internet Providers in Rochester, WI

Verizon 5G Home Internet
Get 5G Home Internet, starting at $35/month.
Nomad Internet
High-Speed Wireless Internet. Unlimited, Uncapped and Unthrottled Data Plans with Speeds up to 200mbps!

Utilities Summary for Rochester, WI

Electric Companies: 1
Water & Sewage Providers: 1
Municipal Electricity: No

Zip Codes Covered by Utility Companies in Rochester


Frequently Asked Questions

Can I choose my electric utility provider in Rochester?

Not at this time, the state of Wisconsin has not deregulated electric utilities. The primary electric company providing power to Rochester is Wisconsin Electric Power Co.

Can I choose my natural gas utility provider in Rochester, WI?

No, Wisconsin has not deregulated its natural gas utilities.

Does Rochester offer municipal electricity services?

No, Rochester does not provide municipal electric service to it's residents. However, it is likely that there are essential municipal services offered to the Rochester area, like providing safe and clean water, handling sewage treatment and wastewater disposal by Millgate General Store.