Find Utility Providers in Lexington, Kentucky

Electric Providers in Lexington, KY

Kentucky Utilities
1 Quality St, Lexington, KY 40507, United States

Solar in Lexington, KY

EnergySage Solar
Save up to 20%! Get custom solar quotes online, no phone calls required!

Top 3 Natural Gas Providers in Lexington, KY

Columbia Gas of Kentucky
2001 Mercer Rd, Lexington, KY 40511, United States
Kentucky Utilities
1 Quality St, Lexington, KY 40507, United States
Sentra Corporation
120 Prosperous Pl #201, Lexington, KY 40509, United States

Home Warranty in Lexington, KY

Choice Home Warranty
Never pay for covered home repairs again! Extend the Life of Your Major Home Systems. AC, Heating, Water Heater, Kitchen & Laundry Appliance and More!

Water & Sewage Providers in Lexington, KY

P O BOX 7500 LEXINGTON, KY 405020000

Internet Providers in Lexington, KY

Verizon 5G Home Internet
Get 5G Home Internet, starting at $35/month.

Top 4 Trash, Recycling and Sanitation Providers Providers in Lexington, KY

Central Kentucky Hauling
2301 Frankfort Ct, Lexington, KY 40510, United States
Division of Waste Management
675 Byrd Thurman Dr, Lexington, KY 40510, United States
Republic Services
451 Conway Ct, Lexington, KY 40511, United States
Thoroughbred Disposal Services
4179 Hedger Ln, Lexington, KY 40516, United States

Utilities Summary for Lexington, KY

Electric Companies: 1
Natural Gas Companies: 3
Water & Sewage Providers: 3
Garbage, Trash & Recycling Providers: 4
Municipal Electricity: No

Zip Codes Covered by Utility Companies in Lexington

40502, 40503, 40504, 40505, 40506, 40507, 40508, 40509, 40510, 40511, 40512, 40513, 40514, 40515, 40516, 40517, 40522, 40523, 40524, 40526, 40533, 40536, 40544, 40546, 40550, 40555, 40574, 40575, 40576, 40577, 40578, 40579, 40580, 40581, 40582, 40583, 40588, 40591, 40598

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I choose my electric utility provider in Lexington?

Not at this time, the state of Kentucky has not deregulated electric utilities. The primary electric company providing power to Lexington is Kentucky Utilities.

Can I choose my natural gas utility provider in Lexington, KY?

Yes, the state of Kentucky has deregulated its natural gas utilities. Deregulation of gas service allows for multiple providers and allows customers to choose between providers and plans that best fit their needs. Assuming your area has started enabling retail gas competition, you can choose between Columbia Gas of Kentucky, Kentucky Utilities or any of the other natural gas providers that offer service in Lexington.

What is the average utility bill in Lexington?

On average, the residents of Lexington, KY pay around $186.45 total per month on utility bills including electric, gas, water and trash. That means people in Lexington on average pay 6.1% less than the national average of $198.64 on utilities each month.

Does Lexington offer municipal electricity services?

No, Lexington does not provide municipal electric service to it's residents. However, it is likely that there are essential municipal services offered to the Lexington area, like providing safe and clean water, handling sewage treatment and wastewater disposal by Kentucky-american Water Co.